Thursday, May 24, 2007

This June 1, 2007

There will be a discussion on Climate titled "Breaking the Ice A Polite Dialogue Among Climate Change Scientists, Skeptics, And thoseIn the Middle" to be held at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.
It is being hosted by Eric Berger, science writer for the Houston Chronicle.
The time for the discussion will be at 3:30PM, in Weiss Energy Hall.
The speakers will be some important climatologists from some of the greater Houston area's Universities - Rice and Texas A&M.
While not directly a faith-science issue, the importance and timeliness of this topic cannot be easily over stated. It is designed to be a civil discussion, something increasingly lacking in our society. Eric Berger is an excellent host, and while he does not hide his views he does know how to set them aside and let the facts and the story speak out plainly.
I hope ASA members will be able to attend. I am probably going to be back in town and will be there, if at all possible.
Here is a link with the invitation from Eric:


Frontiers of Faith and Science said...

While I was only able to attend a few minutes of it, it was very interesting. I will be posting more on it soon.

GoodQuestion said...

Ed, how did this go? I assume you attended, since you're passionate about the issue and Eric is an online friend.