Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Francis Collins' Book "Language of God"

I just finished reading Francis Collins' book "Language of God." It is very easy to read and he is an excellent writer. He is a Christian convert from atheism and he gives a very strong testimony of his faith in the book. C. S. Lewis' writings played a very important role in his conversion. I recommend the book very highly, although I don't agree with some of his beliefs on evolution and his very strong criticism of Intelligent Design. Collins is a theistic evolutionist, based primarily on his work in genetics and genomes. He has chapters on YE Creationists and Intelligent Design, both of which he is very critical. He does not discuss Old Earth Creationism, which I subscribe to, and his discussion of the origin of life is very weak. He never mentions Hugh Ross and Reasons to Believe in the whole book, which seems a little strange. I would appreciate hearing from others who may have read this book.

1 comment:

Frontiers of Faith and Science said...

I have not read the Francis collins book, but I am reading a book on "Evo Devo"
The book is titled "Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom" by Sean Carroll.
The book is an attempt to explain the latest developments in evolutionary research.
Oddly, while it is designed to debunk creationism, the reliance of the current science on 'tools', 'tool kits', 'switches' and their repeated use across whole phyla of animals is a clear argument for a 'tool designer' and 'tool user' and 'switch operator'.
The level of evidence for design in nature is, in this book, made more, not less compelling.